We all know players like Mcterminator, Maguire and so on are CRAP, but Man United fans unironically rate Bruno and Rashford as our 2 star players, notice how Rivals dont rate these 2 and its only United fans? Rash Bandicoot is a Purple Patch Merchant who is awful most of the time, has no footballing IQ, csnt dribble, cant finish he’s fucking crap; and Bruno that RAT, the skinny little Rodent; that Absolute Cheese string of a captain is shit; loses the ball all the time, spams hoofballs to Rash Bandicoot that never come off, misses sitters in the box, cant dribble, cant playc1 or 2 touch, he literally scores Penalties and gets the odd 5 yard assist and our delusional fans act like he’s elite, United will never win a Title with these 2

These 2 always survive every manager too, these 2 clowns could survive a Zombie outbreak, i Am Legend Settings, they never get subbed or dropped,