I’m normally on the “tired of the complaints about Ana” side of things, especially within my own friend group.

There’s a lot of people that say Anti is too strong. Personally, I was always of the thought that it didn’t need a nerf to the ability, just for more things to counter it.

But in the upcoming changes, they’re nerfing BRIG of all characters while simultaneously buffing Dive heroes like Tracer and Winston, and then have the nerve to say that it’s because they, quote, “are seeing your feedback that she is becoming a must-pick”.

I honestly don’t even care about the whipshot nerd that much, as I never felt she really needed the buff to it anyways.but that’s besides the point.

Point is, they have the GALL to say that Brig is too strong because she was being played more often, while Ana remains in nearly every game without change.

It’s somewhat infuriating that they dare to nerf a character for a reason that they’re completely ignoring for another.

I think it’s time the matter was addressed in some manner. They could start by at least making Healthpacks cleanse anti or something.