Not trying to sell anything. Just looking for advice.

I started an eCom brand as a passion project 1 year ago (started trading 6 months ago) and the business has done quite well. About 30k in revenue in 6 months with raving reviews of the products, brand and customer service.

Company is in green and forecasted to be in green in the next year and has serious potential. Also a registered business with all books up to date. Of late, i’ve been thinking of selling this business because I want cash to invest in a real estate deal + I already have a very successful agency business that’s my bread and butter.

The advice I need (and greatly appreciate):

  1. Does it make sense to sell?
  2. If I want to sell, how do I go about it? Shopify marketplace doesn’t exist anymore…
  3. If you’ve done this in the past, I’d love to know more about your experience during the process and whether or not it worked out.

TIA for any help 🙏

P.S. im not a dropshipper. inventory based business in the pet niche.