I just think it’s very frustrating that along with the defense, the refs, and Ron being an idiot, we had to deal with crowd noise as well. Despite it being a home game, the place was full of Philly fans who got pretty loud when we were on offense. It sure doesn’t help when your young QB who’s been playing perfect all game has to cover his ears to hear the play at a damn home game right before he threw a costly interception in the 4th.

Obviously fans had no reason to go to this game or any other game this season after this disappointing start yet again. But once this coaching staff is gone and Josh Harris gets the guys that he wants, we have no excuse to let our stadium get taken over like it did yesterday and even the Buffalo game. Would be nice for us to finally have a homefield advantage in the future with hopefully a competent coaching staff

  • WuPacalypseB
    11 months ago

    Yeah the Comms showed they couldn’t beat two of the worst teams in the league, the bears and giants. I mean, the Giants have like 7 starters on offense out. Just inexcusable. Why should anyone spend $100 on tickets, $65 on a parking pass, and then fucking $14 or whatever it is for bud light just to see this team get smoked?

  • 12eseTB
    11 months ago

    Win games and people will flock.