Hi everyone,

I started my side hustle this February and will be expanding a bit in 2024. Since it’s starting phase, I still have my full time job to pay my bills and am still learning how to prioritize things. One thing that I didn’t expect was how lonely entrepreneur life can get. To prioritize my side hustle, I have been saying “no” to a lot of social gatherings, and now I feel like my friends don’t even bother inviting me, and I am shunned. Did anyone else feel this way? How did you cope?

Thanks in advance!

  • travelguy23B
    10 months ago

    I ran my main side hustle alongside my 9-5. I lived wiyh my gf at the time and still went out with friends. You don’t need to work on your side hustle every day. Even if you do, you should still have time for friends.

    But this does depend on what your goals are and how much you can potentially make. If your side hustle could realistically make millionsin a year or to, then put up with the loneliness. If it will only make a few hundred dollars, put your frieds first.

    Either way, you should still beable to spare some tiem for fun and friends.