I was so proud of Blizz when at the beginning they seemed to be making really calculated changes with great reason. That quickly fell apart… as usual

•Winston’s tickle gun won’t be made completely useless against armor. Winton W.

•They’re remembering the past and buffing Tracer. Remembering past changes is something Blizz has struggled with so I felt like a proud mother. Buffing Tracer is a bit scary though, but I’m open to it.

•Doom mains finally getting some love is great. This change is a bit scary since Doom was already decent, but meteor strike desperately needed something.

•Rammatra change seemed completely logical. And Bap getting nerfed is great.

But that’s where the logic ends

•One of the reasons they reworked Sombra is to remove some tank oppressions… so why are they doubling the lockout duration of EMP. Sombra mains have been begging for 40% back. WHY DONT YOU JUST DO THAT.

•They’re nerfing Brig even calling her a “must pick.” One look at Overbuff would tell you she’s the least picked support in the game across most ranks. Whatever Blizz is smoking I want some of.

It’s extremely obvious they’re trying to force a dive meta next patch and I’m not looking toward to it as a Zen main. I can’t wait for my only job to be to discord someone, marking them for certain death, before I get promptly also get deleted.