I am genuinely befuddled, bamboozled, and perplexed. I was ready to burn this place down, but now I’m like, proud of them? I live out-of-state and have mostly only been able to see highlights. I know that injuries and other external factors have played a role, but my god that is a staggering turnaround. There has to be more to it than that. Have we always been this good, but just didn’t play up to our abilities? Has it taken awhile to implement VJ’s schemes? Was the Dolphin game just a fluky aberration? Or maybe just a bad matchup? Wtf is going on?

  • HoochiesTeamB
    11 months ago

    I don’t want to take anything away from the Broncos but I’ve always observed that in big games, especially rivalries, teams tend to play more evenly matched. Take recent Iron Bowl games, for instance. Auburn has beaten Alabama on occasions where they shouldn’t have even gotten off the bus, if you looked at the numbers strictly on paper.

    If you look at the combined score of the two games against the Chiefs this year, we have won outright 32-28.

    But, regardless, GO BRONCOS!!!