Each of these are within 3 year gaps of each other. To briefly go over what I mean

Ancient Era: The “Wild West” era of League, where champs were simpler than bread & butter, everyone was broken as fuck, & there were way more bugs than there ever have been. So basically Dota 1 (Which WAS their intention, so…mission accomplished?)

Classic Era: The “Golden Age” of League. New champs & reworks slowly got more ambitious, roles were much more defined, & when Kassawin was born. Fun times…I think…

Transformation Era: When League slowly became what it is today through a long transitional phase. New champs got more ambitious, reworks got even more ambitious, Instalok was on top of the world, some mechanics were streamlined/refined, Pro Play debatably peaked in these years, & Tryndamere was a Z+ Tier Jungler for a glorious 1 day XD

New Runes Era: When League truly settled into the modern age. More mechanics were streamlined/refined, Riot’s Ambitions started going debatably too far, Banner of Command was finally good for like…a month, TFT released, Korea had its dark age of Pro Play performance, & Yuumi was released…meuw :)

Mythic Era: …You probably already know

So anyway, what do we call the next era that’ll like be Seasons 14, 15, & 16? Void Grub era?

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