I don’t get it.

Statistically-- just pure stats here-- Bron is having one of his best years. Like, a peak Bron year. Of course, his defense, “takeover ability,” and athleticism have all dipped…But the stats? Oh my. 25/7.5/6 on 56/39/70 ???

AD’s scoring is down (only 22 a game) and he’s lost his once excellent shooting touch (only 30% from distance), but his other numbers are ridiculous.

D-lo has been ridiculously efficient, and although many would love to trade him now (hey, sell when their stock is high, right?), he’s starting to make everyone a believer.

And AR is playing fairly well off the bench.

Yet…LAL seems to get blown out by every competent team, we often have slow starts, we have no offensive flows, our defense fails us at the worst times, and we do not look like a contender.

I don’t get it.

Usually, if Bron and AD are both healthy and playing well, that means we rack up the wins (despite any other issues we may have).

If our key players are all playing this well and we lose by over 20, that’s a serious cause for concern.