Here I am watching Zion make history getting perfect 11/11 FG and the guys are holding down the fort, but the attendance looks like what’d I see at a JUCO game or something.

Every single Saints game is completely packed 100%, and I know we’re not going to get those numbers; but can we at least get it to 60% filled?

We need to target middle-aged women to be pels fans. Just chat up those 40, 50 and 60 year old women at your local coffee shop. They got real money, trust me. Those Karens who get a bad rap? We desperately need to fill the smoothei arena with wealthy screeching Karens who will berate the refs when calls don’t go our way.

These older career women are gold. They got money and lots of free time because they usually have 0.5 kids and many of them who are single looking for a way to possibly find a partner

Because the attendance? It is almost making me cry. This is possibly the biggest dark horse in NBA history.

Guys, I know we joke about it before … the whole 13 fans thing. But we need to each be aggressive in bringing a new fan to the SKA. Like, if 13 people manage to get 1 person to see a pels game (in a season). That’s 26 tickets. See? Mathematiks.

Aight peace out my amigos & amigas <3