Backstory: I purchased $2000+ worth of gear from Keh on October 19th, 2023. Since the gear I purchased was quite old, I added a 4 year extended warranty that cost almost $300 on top of the gear purchase. Almost immediately after purchase, I changed my mind and canceled the order. Keh was very responsive and helpful throughout the cancellation, and returned my money quickly. All except for the extended warranty purchase, which they said would be automatically returned by the warranty company (I think it’s Extend). Well, it’s now 12-1-2023 and the warranty money still has not been returned. I emailed Keh for a second time on 11-13-2023 asking if they had a contact so I could get in touch with the extended warranty company. I got their “We’ve received your message and will respond within 24 hours” automated response, but no one ever responded. This was strange since their customer service has always been so good in the past. In the past they had responded in a matter of hours, and even sometimes a matter of minutes. Since I didn’t get a response for 3 weeks on the last email, I once again emailed Keh customer support on 10-29-23 asking the same thing (looking for contact info for the extended warranty company) and once again I got the “We’ve received your message and will respond within 24 hours” automated response, but once again no one responded within 24 hours. I think at this point it’s safe to say Keh has ghosted me. I did send in a generic contact form inquiry to Extend hoping to get any help, but I doubt that will go anywhere.

Has anyone ever gone through anything like this before? If so, how did you get your extended warranty refund?