I’m a software engineer working as employee. I saw my parents working 9-5 job and never do any work after coming to home.

Tech isn’t like that. We have to have ownership of systems. We have oncall etc.

There is nothing like 9-5. Get things done attitude.

I started thinking when I have my tech company I will spend more money on hardware etc rather than being stingy so that less oncall (I know oncall isn’t just because of stingy resources, but just an example) employees can have good wlb. Thoughts like employees should get 30 days of vacation etc…

Basically on path to make tech job equivalent to 9-5 job.

But this attitude is not good for a startup.

I’m worried if these thoughts will make me generous with my early contractors of my startup and I set a different culture from beginning…

How do I get over this?