I have an offer for three lucky business owners.

My offer is to build you your very own GPT or AI agent (for free), with your own data for any use case you would like for your business. For example, you can use it as a customer support agent, lead capture, or even an appointment booking agent.

Why are we doing this? OpenAI has released a new feature or update, and we have found a way to integrate Assistants API into different platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram messages, or even your own website.

Assistants API lets you do different stuff like book calls, give quotes on different projects, or capture leads, at least the way we set it up.

You will own the system, after we have set it up, we will transfer it to you. Everything will be on your account, so we will not store any data or anything. Everything will be under your control.

What do we gain from this?

Make a case study. We gain from this by seeing business real use cases, and it will help us understand the technology better and hear some ideas from real business owners. And we will gain by helping small business owners and letting them take advantage if they don’t have the resources, time, or money to think about AI.

I am not trying to make money from this, I just want to make a case study of this and at the same time help a small business owner. You can say this is our pro bono work.

Please, if you are not a small business owner, don’t try to apply because I want to help those in need in this tough economy. Respect the requirements.Apply here