I always thought orisa was just kind of a crutch pick but after a game i played today on junkertown i understand why people play her,


To give context enemy team was sombra, ana, mei, lw, and doom, very cc heavy team, we were getting rolled, i actually couldnt play the game for the first two points (started off as doom), because i was getting cc’d so hard and needed to bait out 5 abilitys, as soon as i made the swap to orisa it was just actually sad for the enemy team, mei wall? Fortify. Sleep and nade? Fortify. This one ability singlehandedly made the game playable, i understand why so many play orisa now, your just tired of getting cc’d into oblivion and i honestly understand now, this one match had changed my outlook on orisa and spawned new life in me, orisa is no longer a crutch pick to me, now shes a “im tired of ana and mei’s bs abilitys” button.

  • browsersinsidestoryB
    11 months ago

    This is clearly a joke post. No one with a Doomfist flair would willingly admit to swapping to a different tank /j