The handling of Aaron Wiggins is becoming by far the most inexplicable aspect roster management by Mark through his entire tenure here.

I may be overrating things a bit but I would argue that Wiggins has been the ideal role player/bench wing for us during his NBA career. Obviously the shooting has gotten much better after his rookie season and he’s over 40% in a not insignificant sample since then. Not a volume shooter but he is dependable and not afraid to shoot it.

The man plays basketball the right way. Elite cutter, very underrated passer, consistently good finisher with hops. He’s a connector. Not a lot of creative chops but there’s more there than most people think. He can grab and go, run the occasional pick and roll without tumbling over himself.

I don’t think he’s a plus defender on his own but he has the tools and the brains to be a really good one with consistent burn. On that end, he plays bigger than his size because of length and athleticism.

I know he’s older and has limited upside compared to several other players but he is a legitimately good player, one who could be our 8th-9th guy on a Kenrich contract for the next few years.

Cheap, reliable wings who can stay on the floor against all kinds of opponents are so valuable and the team is playing the likes of Lindy, Dieng or Bertans over him. Yes, Dieng is young and has potential but he is legitimately one of the worst players in the league. Lindy and Bertans are just not viable NBA players.

I don’t understand why Wiggins is not a regular rotation guy. I truly don’t. Thoughts?