The toxicity in this game has reached an all time high, and i’m sick of it. Today after queuing into a game, the unthinkable happened. While i was minding my own business, playing leblanc support, my jungle started having connection issues and pinged his ping which was fluctuating around 300. “No big deal” i thought as i accidentally took my adc’s cannon minion, surely it would sort itself out for him… But then, my top laner thought it would be funny to start pinging his 11 ms connection for the whole team to see. Now I usually get around 20 ping myself, which i thought was pretty good, but for him to have 11?! And flaunt it right there in all of our faces? Nah…i couldn’t handle it. I was literally shaking as i pressed W onto a nautilus and got perma rooted by him and his Jhin duo, dieing for the 3rd time in 5 minutes. What did this Nasus mean to accomplish, showing off his connection skills? Was he insinuating I was poor for having a worse ping? Was he trying to say i was bad because my champion responds to clicks 9 ms slower than his? I still don’t know, but now I’ve lost both LP and sleep over it. Fix your game riot.