Hello all! I’m currently trying to make an NBA card game (or at least a basketball card game of some sort) and am looking for anyone who wants to bounce ideas around and collaborate on this project.

I have a general gameplay format at the moment, but everything is up for discussion.

I’m just looking to work on something fun and I’ve loved basketball for so long. I’m also a huge card game person, both physical and digital, so this is right in my wheelhouse as well.

My weaknesses would be anything to do with graphic design and actually designing cards, but I get by and can teach myself as we go too. This also isn’t necessary in the early stages.

This is currently just for me and my friends to enjoy. I don’t have any long-term plans with this.

No one may be interested in this, and that’s totally cool. Just wanted to see if anyone wanted to work on this with me.

PM me if you want more details or have questions!

Have a good day all!

  • OnlyMamaKnowsB
    11 months ago

    Have you seen the NBA Prizm Monopoly? I don’t know how that works but might give you some ideas.