Maybe December? So we all take money out of banks, at least current month salary, and spend cash only. I think that is something that shouldn’t be hard to do and it would show if we, the people, have any power left to make positive changes for the future or we can just surrender and eat bugs.
If I’m trading my only true value, my time, then I want to have 100% control over it, not to depend if some bank would freeze my account and I lost 1/3 of my life irreversible.
There’s a vegan month cause people want to raise awareness of veganism/animal welfare. They want to promote people to make that change.
What awareness is there having your pockets heavy with change?
I’ve learn in school that humans always eat meat, and tribes that had more resources were stronger. There are some proteins that we can get only from meat. But I have feeling it is not about choice. They want to remove meat all together. Same with cash. I still don’t know why, and I don’t want to know. I just want to be inline with nature as I evolved and born.
Sounds like you need to go back to school.
We have cultures that have been living on vegan diets for thousands of years and they still exist. Obviously not dying from lack of nutritional needs or being weaker than neighbouring groups.
If you want to truly be in line with nature we evolved, you’d hop off line and go live in plains of North-East Africa. You don’t, you just want to repeat right-wing talking points and other insanities detached from reality.
>We have cultures that have been living on vegan diets for thousands of years and they still exist.
no. we don’t. why would you lie about this?