I mean seriously, what an absolute moron. They have one job and like it’s clear pretzels have evolved and that vendor hasn’t kept up. Even though there were some really solid employees at the Pretzel stand we should just lay them off too.
Honestly I think the only way for that pretzel stand to even be successful is if we fire everyone there, then literally actually burn it down. Scorched earth pretzels.
I’ve even heard there is some potential unproven pretzel makers who could be available next spring that are gonna be the best pretzel makers in history.
That pretzel stand should just stop attempting to make pretzels NOW that way they can reinvent the Pretzel correctly from scratch.
Even though that pretzel stand was recently sold to a new owner everyone knows when you need an oil change its easier to just blow up the car.
So sick of these mediocre pretzels and trust me I know pretzels better than anyone on reddit.
I have a petition I’m gonna put together and have them change the name of that stand as well, call it the Pretzel Tank.
And so you know, ive been eating these pretzels for over 30 years…but I’m just done with them at this point.
pootis_gaming2004BEnglish1·1 year ago