I’m a noob at this so I’m looking for easy, but any suggestions are welcome.

I’m looking for Windows software that will let me share files or a folder (or two) with my daughter. I’d like a GUI to run it from and it needs to be super easy for my daughter to use. She’s kind of a techie as well but the easier the better.

I’d like to be able to point it to folders on my PC that I can drag/drop files to and from for her…not just media, all file types.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Sorry, I should have clarified - my daughter doesn’t live with me so she’s not on our local network. I was looking for software that will let her see folders I specify on my PC and she can grab what she wants at any time.

  • @BitlessByteB
    28 months ago

    I’m surprised that no one has suggested it yet. But, FileBrowser is exactly what you’re looking for! Set it up on your PC with docker and point it at any directory you want, put it behind a reverse proxy, make your daughter an account and you’re done. It should work perfectly for you as it’s designed to handle situations exactly like yours. Willing to help further if you need, dm me.

    • @mptproB
      18 months ago

      This is the way.

      As for “reverse proxy”, I find the easiest is one of two:

      1. ZeroTrus, or

      2. Cloudflare Tunnels

      Both are easy to set-up.

  • @Wf1996B
    18 months ago

    Windows nearby Sharing is what you search

  • @spacebassB
    18 months ago

    What about something like SyncThing that will keep one or more folders in sync between your machines? You’d end up having two copies everything (one on each machine), but it’s super simple… kind of a ‘set it and forget it’ thing and you’d never have to worry about mounting shared drives, etc.

  • @krysztalB
    18 months ago

    The simpliest way I found to do this on Windows is HFS https://www.rejetto.com/hfs/?f=intro

    You still need to figure out either VPN between your computers or port forwarding to make it work over network though

    Edit: and sufficiently secure it if youre planning on running it online at all times

  • @JourneymanInvestorB
    08 months ago

    I don’t understand all these complicated suggestions… just install an FTP/SFTP server and call it done. You can share your entire hard drive if you want and she can connect from any web browser (or she can use dedicated FTP client software like WinSCP or FileZilla). I have been running an FTP server to share files with friends since 1994.