This sub is not reality. The lions are 9-3 right now! Enjoy the feeling.

Every game they will call for firings in here but anyone that has a brain knows that no team that’s 9-3 and leading their division 2 games has or will ever fire a defensive coordinator when your HC is an offensive guy and switch scheme this late into the season.

We are still building a great team and it’s so great to see so many rookies and 2nd year guys making plays out there all day. The future is bright for MC 🦁

Love the whole pride. I’ll take my downvotes from the SOL ppl now 😊

  • kungfujesus_187B
    1 年前

    As emotional as we get and expect to win every game, we’re 9-3. Did we forget how we dreamed of having a 8-8 record? Is there clear problems with defense playing 4 quarters you betcha, but we’re 9-3 and making forward progression