This sub is not reality. The lions are 9-3 right now! Enjoy the feeling.

Every game they will call for firings in here but anyone that has a brain knows that no team that’s 9-3 and leading their division 2 games has or will ever fire a defensive coordinator when your HC is an offensive guy and switch scheme this late into the season.

We are still building a great team and it’s so great to see so many rookies and 2nd year guys making plays out there all day. The future is bright for MC 🦁

Love the whole pride. I’ll take my downvotes from the SOL ppl now 😊

  • venkB
    10 months ago

    I’m not going to pretend our shit doesn’t stink, but those complaining about not having Carter and Swift instead of Gibbs and LaPorta can go ahead and see how useful those two were in Philly’a biggest regular season game of the year.