Should have been a ghost town for weeks now already, but here we are. Do not go to the games. Do not support a bad product. The Jets are bad every year because they make money every year. Stop buying tickets, stop buying merchandise. Spend your time and your money better on a Sunday

  • NYGyro26B
    10 months ago

    Me, my wife and daughter are visiting NYC from out of state. We booked this trip in the summer and bought tickets for this game officially as soon as they came out and paid face value with all the fees thinking we would see a good product with AR8.

    That performance was absolutely atrocious, the defense has given up since they know the offense can’t do anything. The offense is non existent, this cycle will continue until Woody sells the team. What a disappointing performance by the team and the organization has the cheek to keep the increase for next year and ask season ticket holders to renew their seats before Christmas with this BS!