I have been gaming on my PS5 since release. I usually play AAA games and since a few months I stopped buying them. Nowadays they arrive with loads of problems and take forever to fix. Once they are fixed, DLC arrives and the games get big discounts. All publishers are guilty of this, even Sony games now suffer from problems. Considering 2024 looks like a bit weaker and I have a big Steam library full of titles I haven’t played in years I ordered myself a Steam Deck OLED. I want to avoid buying new AAA games that now cost €80 and aren’t even finished. My plan is to replay a lot of following games before I buy a new game:

  • Witcher 3

  • Cyberpunk 2077

  • Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Portal 1 + 2

  • Resident Evil 3 + Village

  • Mirror’s Edge

  • Max Payne 2 + 3 (1 has seemingly vanished from my Steam account?)

  • Mafia 1 + 2 Definitive Edition

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance

  • GTA San Andreas + 4 Complete

  • Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

  • Far Cry 2

  • Fallout: New Vegas

  • Doom + Eternal

  • Skyrim

  • Death Stranding

  • Dead Space 1 + 2

  • Dark Souls III

  • Crysis 1 + 2, Warhead

  • Control

  • CoD Black Ops

  • Bully Scholarship Edition

  • Borderlands GOTY Enhanced

  • Bioshock 1 + 2 Remastered

  • Arkham Trilogy

  • Assassin’s Creed Ezio Trilogy

  • Alien Isolation

  • Alan Wake + American Nightmare

This also made my reconsider buying physical games on Playstation by the way. I usually sell my games after I beat them but because of that I also have a tiny Playstation library.

  • fediverser
    1 年前

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  • SeibitsuB
    1 年前

    Luckily I rarely play newer games unless they are cheap or lighter than usual triple As, so the Deck is perfect for what I play mostly.

  • BazirkerB
    1 年前

    I never play new games. Why pay $70 to play a game while it’s getting tuned up etc, when I can just wait a year or two and play the exact same game with the exact same fun factor at a fraction of the cost, and often after all of the problems have been fixed?

  • supremedalek925B
    1 年前

    I’ve been playing more ROMs and older titles lately than AAA games. There’s a few great ones lately of course, but a lot of PC releases have definitely been disappointing.

  • LegendaryJohnnyB
    1 年前

    I bought Steam Deck specifically for my old already purchased game which were NEVER on handheld devices like Fallout 1 2 3 New Vegas, Deus Ex games, Mass Effect games, first 2 Witchers and also old Need for Speeds. While Nintendo is doing subscribtion service for their 8bit games (lol), companies like EA and Bethesda probably hate money (/s) so they never ported their games on Switch and Steam Deck just filled this hole on the market with additional bonus I dont need to pay again for all these games I already own on PC.

    Plus you are right, new games are very bad and expensive. Look at Witcher 3 or RDR2, one is 8 years old, second 5 years old game and new releases from this year can’t compete with them in terms of size, content, even graphics is still better in these old titles than in New Games. Look on overhyped Hogwarts for example. Running on Unreal 4 and looks worse and plays worse than RDR2 and Witcher 3 (while stealing gameplay elements especially from RDR2 like distributing side quests during main quest line).

    And Hogwarts is one of better games this year together with RE4, Dead Space (both are just remakes), then we have Baldurs Gate 3, which is amazing game and it will sure win GOTY or something is wrong with world and Lies of P was really nice surprise, but it is just rip off of Dark Souls/Bloodborne. But all these games except BG3 are not as epic as legendary titles from last 10 years.

    I also like to pick up games from indie studios which turn out to be epic. Kingdom Come is prime example, or Hades or Dead Cells. But I am not aware something great and surprising like this was released this year, maybe Lies of P is that game.

  • WoahItsHimB
    1 年前

    TBH, I mostly got the steam deck to play Holocure and that Coffin name game.

  • Ascending_FlameB
    1 年前

    lol I went and got a Steam Deck as the ‘all in one portal’ for Xbox, PC, and PS5 games both streaming and on the go, and the last couple of days I’ve just been emulating Golden Sun ever since finally installing emulators

  • CitricDolphin_B
    1 年前

    I’m sick of all this “AAA games are all bad now” discourse. I agree with it, but I’m sick of talking about it. It’s been going on for years and people still act like it’s a new and surprising development.

    Brand loyalty, franchise continuity, and newness are almost never factors for me. I just find out organically about the games that sound fun to me, and then I play those. Old or new, AAA or indie, it doesn’t matter. If it seems appealing and the reviews are decent, I’ll try it.

    Gaming is way more fun when you’re not perpetually upset about the latest BS that EA or Activision is trying to pull. If you keep getting burned, then take your hand off the flame.

    I bought a Steam Deck because I like playing games, and the Deck makes that more accessible. Simple as that.

  • mattbravo2020B
    1 年前

    Looking at your list, the only one I’ve played on SD is Control and I’m actually playing through it for the first time right now. It’s really gripped me. It’s so… freaky and weird, I love it. Dropped the graphics setting down to low to get a solid 60fps, but it still looks fantastic. It’s been a while since I’ve played a Remedy game and really enjoying the storytelling style. Highly recommended.

  • TareXmdB
    1 年前

    The Arkham Trilogy on the Deck is chef’s kiss so good.

  • softwarebuyer2015B
    1 年前

    PS5 is largely a waste of space.

    The best thing it did in our house, is get me my PS4 back from my kid. 3 years after launch the PS5 offers so little new new stuff.