Aphelios was busted on drop, which caused riot to crush down his numbers to nothing, and has been a terrible pick ever since. The only thing hes has going for him is utility, having multiple available effects on autos is undeniably strong, and hes a satisfying auto attacker to say the least. His abilities do shit all in terms of damage though. 3 and a half items? Congrats, your ult now does 200 whole damage! And your q’s that do damage? 100 B-). Now before you thousand years apologists get worked up, my point isnt that aphelios doesn’t do anything, its that any other adc does what he does BETTER in EVERY WAY. Kiting and auto attacking? Ashe, Kog, Cait, vayne. Auto resetting with q for more burst? Jhin, mf, samira, lucian, even senna. What about a big splashy ultimate capable of affecting a teamfight with cc or damage? Half of the ranged roster. My boy doesn’t even have mobility going for him. He has a 47 percent winrate across all ranks, and is a sorry excuse of a champ that riot forgot about, and decided to just make another Invoker-style champ. Its going to happen to Hwei all the same, an immobile dark haired twink with a ton of abilities that will be busted on launch, before they make each one max out damage-wise around 300.

  • fediverser
    1 year ago

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  • ASSASSIN79100B
    1 year ago

    Hwei isn’t even out yet lol. Also, Aphelios is pro play jailed.

    • supremeCrab7OPB
      1 year ago

      So is ryze and azir, you think they’re in a good state? You cant judge the state of the game off proplay, all I’m saying is Hwei, strong or not, will be turbo nerfed to obscurity and that sucks