Hey, I am 23 and I currently live with my parents. Since the beginning of November, I have been actively planning/ taking steps to move to South Korea. If everything goes as planned, I should be on a flight before the end of February. I have always wanted to live abroad since I was a kid and have been doing a lot of research about it over the years. I am so glad that I can finally do what I have always dreamed of. The only issue is that my parents have never supported me moving abroad. Every time I have brought it up, it has been shot down, dismissed, or not taken seriously. At this point, I don’t want to have another conversation or debate trying to get them to agree with my decision. I want to notify them and keep pushing. In the past, I have thought of waiting until after my job is secured before I tell them or maybe later on my birthday (in Feb) a couple of weeks before I leave. But now I realize that might not be possible I will have to do interviews with recruiters and schools in the upcoming weeks (evening my time), when my parents and I are usually home, and to make sure I can do the interviews with no interruptions I will probably have to tell them or find somewhere else to do my interviews. Does anyone have any advice on not only how to tell them but also how to deal with the backlash because I will have to live with them for at least another two months before I leave?

  • Adventurous-Pirate08B
    1 year ago

    Calling mom, “Hey mom can’t make it to Christmas this year, I’m a little bit far from home. See y’all next year”.