bored. we all know he’s raw as hell but realistically, what’s his ceiling for him? Would he blossom here or elsewhere if he ever does? he’s one of my favorite prospects on this team and i think he could be really good defensively with his size and space the floor for us. if he pans out, he could hypothetically fix all lot of our problems (mainly size and defense)

  • IllumiXXZoldyckB
    10 months ago

    ooh, it’s rare running into a Dejounte flair. Anyways, yeah, I think he’s our MPJ (and has the potential to be way better or worse). He has a great stature, and he’ll improve exponentially by playing, getting quality minutes down the stretch, and gaining valuable experience from vets around him. That’s the only way. When that time comes, I hope the fans, not only of this sub but in general, give him the time he needs to develop like we did with JJ initially. Let’s not freak and call him a bust if the first few weeks or even months don’t pan out like we think they will. This is speculative, but I see him in a Great Hawks Future.