I really love playing maps that I can solo like dota (vampire) survivors, aghanims pathfinders and darkmoon, does anyone have the names or a list of maps like these that I could try? : )

PS: I used to love epic boss fight but now it just crashes after the 4th boss and the other versions are a completely different map.

  • BakeMateB
    10 months ago

    Currently the hottest game is brodota. Some people said its like brotato. I’ve never played that.

    Essentially it’s a game where there’s 20 rounds of creeps, with bosses at 10 and 20. There’s also characters that you’ll choose at the start which gives a certain stat/item. Then there’s 3 types of “roles”: mage / archer / warrior. Lots of hero synergies involved similar to auto chess. So you got like shops to buy heroes/items in between each rounds.

    It’s quite fun since there’s lots of variation / flexibility. But at a certain point, it’ll feel grindy cause you gotta play repetitively to get stuff to upgrade your stats.

    (there is a pay2win battlepass thingy but Im just a f2p player. So no idea on that.)