Similar to Ayton and Wiseman (who are drafted high just to be placed in a role player position)

Fans expect Mobley to improve to the “next level or he’s a bust”.

Pretty sure Mobley will just average 10 FGAs due to his chucking guards and while fans questioning why he’s averaging just 13/8/2.

He’s a defensive talent, but fans expect him to be like a dominant big of some sort to help the Cavs.

Luckily, there is no pressure on a small market team.

  • CaptainBananafishJrB
    11 months ago

    This is an insanely casual take. Mobley is a fantastic defender, trying to compare him to Ayton and Wiseman is straight up goofy. Comparing Wiseman to either of those guys also makes no sense. No one is expecting him to be a #1 option on offense or anything like that. He’s primed to make a leap because he’s good on both ends of the court, and his defense in particular as a big has a huge impact on the game.

    • ConceptNo1055OPB
      11 months ago

      “primed to make a leap” to what?? He’ll still average the same and casuals doesn’t see his value, they know he’s a defensive guy while there is pressure to make the “leap”