I don’t blame them. People can’t afford Bidenomics. I see people complaining all the time but elections have consequences.

I make a lot of money, so I am weathering it just fine. I am just not able to save as much as I would like.

As I said previously, I am not a fan of Trump but groceries were much cheaper under Trump. The cost of items was cheaper under Trump.

I can’t think of any way my life was worse under Trump.

  • Lusamommy
    10 months ago

    The entire economy is a zero sum game. If I have 100% of the money supply, that necessarily means you have 0%.

    That’s only if you assume that the only way the economy works is solely by money. What’s important is that value isn’t a zero sum game. It doesn’t matter if you have 100% of the money. People will just use some other means of exchange, and your money will be worthless. Because regardless of your money, I have things people value, and people have things that I value. Hell, we could literally just make a new currency that entirely replaces the now valueless piles of money you have. And since our currency isn’t even backed with anything, it’s not even like you can exchange it for something actually worthwhile like gold.