I believe that Hall will play better than expected. Many people hoped to trade hunter, KJ, maybe a few others, then draft a rookie QB this off-season. I believe keeping at least those two, will be a huge difference as far as the success a young QB will have. The defense isn’t the same without Hunter, and they’ve proven the past two games that they can bail out a sputtering offense. KJ has cleaned up his game and is back to being wide open on crucial 3rd and longs. I feel more confident in a rookie stepping in this year after the past few games than I probably would at the start of next season as we fight to find our identity. As long as Hall is able to stay confident and has been absorbing everything he’s learned up to this point, I believe that he has such a good team around him that all he needs to do is play smart and make good reads. He has an incredible Offensive line and can navigate out of the pocket, so my biggest real concern with him at this point is either making inaccurate throws or making incorrect reads. I really hope he proves me right and later this season we get to see a video of him delivering a Lombardi to Kirks trophy room. Please feel free to hate on me for being so optimistic, but I think I might have entered the stage of grief known as bargaining. I will accept that Kirk is gone o Lu if his replacement is able to give us all a happy ending.