Just reaching out to get some opinions and thoughts on Bogdan and how he is regarded among the Hawks fanbase.

Overall, is he a net positive to the team? Is he overpaid or paid right? Where does he rank among your best players in the squad? Strengths, weaknesses, role in the team, core member of the squad? Really just trying to gauge how much respect he has as a player among people who actually watch him day in, and day out, so feel free to respond anyway you see fit.

Personally, as a Serb I try to watch him when Jokic isn’t playing, and to me, he’s always been a solid ass player who has hit some big shots for the Hawks in the past. He’s also had plenty of mid games as well, so I am really just trying to see where he stands with you all as Hawks fans.

That said, watching national team games, it’s clear he’s been Serbia’s best player of the last 5 years or so,

Either way, much love to any team that has Bogi and Trae on it.

  • Hooligan8B
    11 months ago

    Smart, tough, and always controlled. The kind of guy who you can count on at the end of a tight game to hit a dagger or make the right pass. He should retire here.