Classy Euros vs American Thugs
Pop is a mod on nbacj
I feel like American’s views of Europe and Europe in actuality are much different
Yes, but pop has a lot of experience and he’s objectively correct in terms of travel and speaking languages lol
Yeah but they have less Culver’s so who is really winning
Lol prime r/nbacirclejerk material
Americans dont speak languages
They travel 80 miles and are in a new country. I do that and I’m still 5 hours from Florida
I travel 80 miles and im either in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium or Luxemburg. I’d rather be in Florida.
People who have never been to America think the entire country is Arkansas. Pop just pandering to them
Reminder: the country of France is nearly the same exact size of France. Someone can drive from Texas to New York and not have a single issue. Drive that same distance in Europe and you gotta learn like 5-6 different languages.
Love Pop.
asians and africans don’t travel as much either so i guess they’re uncultured too lol