Welcome to the daily discussion thread! You can use this space to discuss little things that don’t need their own post. This is also the perfect space for pictures, videos, and links that would otherwise go against the sub’s rules. Just don’t be jerks and don’t break any Reddit-wide rules. Have at it.
I just looked at the Clippers roster after their trade and laughed at Terrence Mann being 2 years older than Jayson. The way he’s talked about you’d think he’s in his early 20s.
Really? I just know this fact.
In a small sample of 3 games, I’m convinced Tatum greatly improved his ability to read the games
Hauser is scared of dribbling. In some plays he gets the ball but there is no good chance he either shoot it forcibly or pass it away.
See you guys on dec 9! Nuggets fan here.
Not a fan of Drew Carter on the broadcast. I saw he was getting killed on Twitter as well. Just has that average announcer voice like every other team has.
We can’t sign any buyout guys right? Even dudes below the MLE?
Celtics starting lineup in 54 minutes:
- ORtg: 121.7
- DRtg: 90.5
- NetRtg: 31.2
That’s the 3rd best NetRtg among all lineups that have played >30 minutes.
Behind only
- Clips lineup of: Westbrook, George, Leonard, Covington, Zubac (Covington now gone)
- Raps lineup of: Schroeder, OG, Barnes, Siakam, Poeltl