• HollyB73B
    11 months ago

    I think they both have huge problems and are both using each other. I have felt that Danielle is just more of an idiot than Yohan. With Yohan I might have more sympathy because he is trapped in a way that Danielle isn’t. From the get go, Danielle played it off like they would live in the US. His expectations from the beginning were to go to the US and be able to earn a normal living. That was all that was needed for the rest to happen as it did. Danielle wants to live like a queen in DR. Yohan knows that it’s impossible for him to play that sort if game. Danielle still expects it (because she’s delusional) and Yohan already knows that it’s completely impossible no matter what he does. I don’t like either of them, but I feel Danielle is more culpable in the way the rest of the story pans out.