With no real explanation what will happen next season instead of the dpc, no more True Sight, much lower prize pool of TI, it feels like the dota ecosystem is in steady decline (Maybe more the pro scene though.)

Many 3rd party organizers have left, NA and China feel kinda done with dota, so what are you guys feelings regarding where dota is headed?

Are you guys optimistic about what’s coming? I personally felt like this TI wasn’t what it used to be. Maybe I’m just older, but I didn’t feel that magic when Spirit lifted the aegis. Maybe it was just too easy for them in the end, that they didn’t feel challenged enough to think of it as the ultimate glory.

What are your thoughts?

  • MeloY123B
    11 months ago

    Smaller tournament scattered throughout the year rather than on big one that has a 40 prize pool and if you didn’t do good in that you are done.