• Patriots, at least for now, are the first team in the AFC to lose control over their own destiny (this can be rejuvenated with wins and things falling back their way).
  • There don’t appear to be any scenarios where reaching 12 wins does not make the playoffs.
  • There are still some scenarios possible in which 7 wins sneaks in.
  • Computer says most likely number of wins needed to get a wildcard spot is between 10 or 11, leaning 10.


  • Bears and Panthers joined the Cardinals in, at least for now, no longer controlling their own destiny. The Giants, however, at 2-6 appear to still COD.
  • As with AFC, reaching 12 wins means playoffs no matter what.
  • There are some far flung scenarios possible in which just 6 wins gets in.
  • Computer says most likely number of wins needed to get a wildcard spot is between 9 and 10.
  • This is a rough justice look at the calculations, but it appears the soonest the Eagles could clinch a playoff spot is in four weeks if a lot of things went their way.