Someone after the Dolphins loss mentioned the curse was broken since we lost by 50 after winning super bowl 50. I would like to build off of this idea of a curse.

It’s not difficult to imagine PFM making finding a genie bottle and making a wish to ride off into the sunset while rehabbing his neck in 2012. After making the wish, JE came to PFM with an offer to do just that. Manning signing with the broncos sealed the curse, that we will win a super bowl. Unbeknownst to them, we were to be a waning franchise until we met the secret conditions of the curse. Those conditions were:

  • endure a losing streak equal to the season year of the winning super bowl (2016).
  • lose a game by the number of points equal to the super bowl won (50).

We are free.

  • AlaskanAssassin98B
    1 year ago

    This is the most insane crack pot conspiracy theory I’ve ever read on this sub…