China has lashed out at Germany after its foreign minister called Xi Jinping a “dictator” and summoned Berlin’s ambassador for a dressing down, in the latest flaring of tensions with a western democratic power over how the Chinese leader is described overseas.
Dictators were never good at hearing the truth.
I disagree with some of Scholz’s policies, but he is kind of a breath of fresh air. Merkel was a great leader, but she played it far too safe.
Very noticeable that they didn’t specify how he wasn’t a dictator, nor what other label would be more appropriate.
“I am not a dictator! Anyone who says I am will get jailed!” - Grand Poohbear of China, 2023
Have you tried not being an authoritarian PoS, Xi?
He’s not just a dictator, he’s also a dick.
What’s he going to do? Fling his pooh?
Germany is right
When the shoe fits, start wearing it. PRC is an authoritarian state led by a dictator and his cronies.
Easy fix: don’t be a dictator.
How can he stop being something that he’s already not?
Someone who jails people over depicting them in a mocking way is a dictator.
Someone who bans historic events and pretends they never happened is a dictator.
Quit being a dictator. 🤷
Try “Emperor” they’ll like that.
Obviously he’s not a “dictator”, and that foreign minister should be sacked. Because Xi is a “supreme almighty emperor whose words are worth to be enforced or else…” A bit of background knowledge is never a bad thing.
Do they know healthy communication can gain a better impression and often less problematic, another boundaries and relationship course, thanks
Like with Russia? Yes, I guess they learned the lesson. Fuck dictators.
In China, the people directly elect local council (e.g. village or town level) representatives. Those local council members than select who among themselves to send to represent them at the next level above. This continues all the way the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee.
This sort of organizational structure is more-or-less how political parties in Germany also work; so by that logic the Green party itself would presumably be an undemocratic institution.
OK, but the CPC can control who is allowed to run in elections, right? Well, Germany banned its communist party: In Germany, any organization (and their members) that wants to abolish the liberal order, capitalism, private property and so on is subject to repression, surveillance and outright bans, and this is enshrined in the constitution. So no fundamental difference there either: In Germany the liberal institutions decide who can and cannot run, and they have decided the commies are out.
Empirically, the Chinese government enjoys way better approval rating than any Western government, Chinese people believe themselves to be living in a democracy, and the Chinese administration seems way more responsive to the actual needs of the people, what with the poverty reduction and all. How is this possible if they’re so much more undemocratic than Western liberal democracies?
Well I think the issue is the people in China haven’t experienced the democracy in US so the comparison would be hard to measure. As funny as it gets the people in the US can laugh at Joe Biden but not those in China that could laugh at president Xi.
A note accompanying the poll results offers a disclaimer, stating that “in authoritarian countries, positive perceptions might result from different conceptions of democracy, high levels of government satisfaction, or fear of speaking out against the government.”
Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing. Stay mad forever 😂
Haha, racism! I love that one!
Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing.
What is there to do when you are already the one winning?
Mocking a single individual is not racism.
It may be bullying, but that is about it.
I love how every single comment making fun Xi the pooh here is getting downvoted lol
Gee, I wonder which group of users would do something like that…
Here’s a little something for the dictator simps:
It’s definitely part communists, but I think mostly special interest groups, maybe even from China itself.
You really want to feel special enough to think the Chinese government would even care about this internet backwater? Get real.