Hey reddit!

Fasten Health v0.1.7 has been released!

Just a refresher: more than a year ago I announced Fasten Health, an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator (PHR), designed to integrate with 100,000’s of insurances/hospitals & clinics

  • Self-hosted
  • Designed for families, not Clinics (unlike OpenEMR and other popular EMR systems)
  • Supports the Medical industry’s (semi-standard) FHIR protocol
  • Uses OAuth2 (Smart-on-FHIR) authentication (no passwords necessary)
  • Uses OAuth’s offline_access scope (where possible) to automatically pull changes/updates
  • Multi-user support for household/family use
  • Dashboards & tracking for diagnostic tests
  • Patient friendly explanations of medical procedures, medications and lab tests.
  • (Future) Vaccination & condition specific recommendations using NIH/WHO clinical care guidelines (HEDIS/CQL)
  • (Future) ChatGPT-style interface to query your own medical history (offline)
  • (Future) Integration with smart-devices & wearables

Here’s a couple of screenshots that’ll remind you what it looks like:

Fasten Screenshots

We’ve made a number of changes since our last update in August:

  • Lab Report Enhancements: Lab tests are now sorted by most recent, and can be filtered by Test Panels (Diagnostic Reports). We’ve also enabled pagination to ensure the page feels responsive even with 1000s of test results.
  • Healthcare Network Searchability: Now that Fasten supports 25,000+ healthcare institutions, discoverability is incredibly important. It was difficult to search for providers because Fasten required an exact match before displaying institutions. That’s now been fixed, and you can also search against aliases & tags (addresses coming soon). If you’ve got some free time, consider contributing by adding homepages, aliases & logos for healthcare institutions in our Google Drive sheet
  • Background Processing & Scheduling: We added support for background processing, meaning that you can visit another website or close your browser and your record sync will continue in the background (and we added a new page showing you which background jobs are still running). We’ll be leveraging this functionality to add scheduled tasks to sync providers on a daily/weekly/etc basis (coming soon)
  • Lifetime License Initiative: License sales weren’t as dramatic as I’d hoped – However I’m incredibly grateful to those of you who took a chance and decided to support us, we’re getting a steady stream of purchases. If you’re interested in supporting Fasten Health, you can still purchase a license using the following link. Once all 500 lifetime licenses are gone, the link will automatically deactivate.

Thanks for being a part of the Fasten Health journey. Your support has been incredibly humbling and keeps me moving forward!