For me were BF 2042 and Anthem.
I payed full price 3 TIMES!!! For The Witcher 3 (PS4, Xbox Series X, Switch).
I love that game, however that game is on sale like 90% of the time, yet somehow I always pay it in full…
Bad Timing I suppose…
Battlefield 5
Biggest full-price mistake of my life
Elden Ring
New world and bf 2042
BioShock Infinite. I loved the first two games and the third was such a disappointment that it’s literally the only game I hate.
Didn’t help it was the first thing I bought through the PlayStation store so I couldn’t even sell it to GameStop. It just sat there on the menu mocking me.
Hogwarts Legacy. Still a good game but it’s not very replayable and a ton of broken promises. They had like 400 acres of highland not including the book locations that had nothing to do in them besides collectibles. First 15 or so hours are magical, going to classes and exploring the castle is wonderful. After that it’s a lukewarm story that takes you to random places to murder a ton of goblins and blame Ranrock for the genocide, why trickle feeding you a story that could be explained in like 3 sentences. The combat is very nice, the castle and surrounding area is perfect. But they just bit off more than they could chew, spent way too much time making a ridiculous size map with nearly no content, when they should have focused on the content people were excited for and anticipating. It was a good game for the company tho, first ever open world triple A for them. So I have hopes the sequel or dlc or whatever will improve
No man’s sky
every sports game i bought as a kids, except for blitz/slugfest/HItz those were fun af.
arkham knight
Shadow Warrior 2.
Wanted to support the developers since I’m a huge fan. Fuck was it a mess and a genre shift. Couldn’t play more than like 3-4 hours of it.
Pokémon Sword and Shield. It’s Nintendo, so it’s never going to go on sale, so I guess really I shouldn’t have paid for it at all.
A battlefield game where I payed 100 euros to have the expensions included. I loved BF3 but whatever that was it didn’t give me the same vibes. Never again will I fall for hype.
Red dead redemption 2. Bought on release. It is a good game, I prefer slow shooters to CoD etc. But RDR2 is just so damn tedious