Samira was a child bride married at 15 and a victim of domestic violence. She had two young children, one a new-born baby, when she was arrested and had not seen her children in ten years. She saw them for the first and last time when they came to the prison to say goodbye.

At the time of writing, her execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.

Rights group calls for Ali Khamenei and other leaders of the Islamic Republic to be held accountable for this crime.

    10 months ago

    I don’t understand… she has the right in islamic law to ask for divorce which she would have been granted by a judge seeing the abuse.

    I think it is not possible in Christian law for a woman to ask for divorce except in the case of adultry, but Islamic law is clear about cases where the husband is abusive or doesn’t take his responsibilities. I just don’t get how people still consider Iran as a country that upholds Islamic law, unless they don’t know said law.