There is a lot of people complaining “supports are too strong”, but why are roles comparable at the first place? There will ALWAYS be the same number of members in each role in BOTH team.
Even if the statement “supports are tankier than tanks and a better DPS than DPS” is true, the game will still BE BALANCED, isn’t it?
Let’s say all DPS deal 0 damage now, and they have no fun. Thus, people will swap from DPS role to supports to enjoy the game. At that point, Queue time will be a serious issue. That’s apparently an extreme case to illustrate the phenomenon, so the main point is that, do you think the queue time of the game now is problematic?
Before joining the herd mentality, people could think about that do supports need role adjustments, or do INDIVIDUAL supports need adjustments. Individual changes are absolutely needed on supports like Illari and Bap, but it don’t occur due to “a role is better than another role”.
Whole role adjustments - imbalanced queue time
Individual adjustments - imbalanced winrates & pick rates
There is no such thing a role is “better” than others when you can’t pick one over the others.