Assume we fire Flus and Poles stays and is allowed to pick another coach.

What is the plan if the team is terrible again? Do you fire Poles and the coach (after just 1 season)? Do you give both an extra season (which would be 3 horrendous seasons in a row for Poles)? Do you fire Poles but make sure the new GM retains the HC we just hired?

What is the plan?

  • MDizzleGrizzleB
    11 months ago

    This is the problem…you can’t hold this regime accountable after 1.5 seasons. I know everyone wants to can Eberflus, including me. But they likely won’t. Year one was clearing the roster. Year two is in progress. Year three you should see the plan coming together and year 4 is competitive. Remember, Poles has preached he wants to build this team for sustained success. That doesn’t happen in 1.5 seasons. Now, to answer your question: IF I assume Flus gets fired (which I don’t) and Poles picks a new coach and they still stink, you give him year two with the new coach. This fallacy that teams are world beaters after 2 years is ridiculous.

  • Wildest83B
    11 months ago

    I honestly think we need to tie the head coach, gm, and qb together. Let them work for about 4 years and go from there. Fire flus and poles this offseason and just count the losses. The new organization can then start with good cap room, good draft capital and some players to build off of.

    I’m not a gm or team president so I really don’t have a clue what would work just like 99% of people here don’t.