The amount of rant posts and comments about KSante is really high, I thought he was destroying soloQ with 53% WR. I looked at his winrate and he’s 50% WR in Emerald+ , 51% WR in Diamond+ , 51% WR in masters and 51.5% WR in Master+

Even if you nitpick Grandmaster and Challenger stats, there are other high pickrate champs with higher winrate like Sylas or Rell etc.

Is the subreddit just an echo chamber or only Grandmaster and Challenger players? no one ever cries about a 51% WR champ in Master+ except for KSante, you are more likely to lose to 20 other top laner champs and statistically people don’t mind playing vs KSante and don’t use their bans for him but for champs like Yone, Darius, Illaoi etc.

He got 1 day of being OP and then immediately hotfixed, balance team didn’t nerf him next patch because all the metrics confirm he doesn’t deserve another nerf well except for the reddit hate metric

Just feels that all the complaints are because people got used to a very weak Ksante. I am sorry you have to learn to play vs an actual champ instead of a 45% wr champ and if you find him so OP, try playing him so you can climb in the best case or learn how to play vs him in the worst case

KSante is here to stay, get used to it… at least until Spring where we see whether the rework actually pushed him out of being pick/ban in pro