Posted the same thing in r/enterpruner.I have a product that I’ve just created and filed all the necessary paperwork and patents, I need to hire someone to like market my product and like bring in customers and make it so my product become known even though it’s new, I guess a example would be like the nothing phone (my product isnt a phone ) that has created a certain hype around it. I have the product but idk what to do from here. Also I don’t have a ton of money I have around 10k (please don’t laugh at me ) what is the max I can do with what I have, Can you guys help me

  • DashboardGuy206B
    11 months ago

    As a CEO you need to be able to sell your own product, that’s the bottom line. I’d recommend working on your pitch and doing some homework. A founder who can’t even pitch their own product won’t go very far imho.

    At some point you could hire a freelance sales resource. If you compensate well you can get some good talent. If you do some commission-only thing you’ll struggle to find even bottom of the barrel candidates. Sales jobs are a dime a dozen these days and top performers get their pick of the litter.

    You could also look into taking on a co-founder or Senior level person who has those skills. Like a VP of Growth type role.