I have a very simple setup running Gitea which I love. However, I enabled Elastic Search because it makes searching much faster than the default method.
I have a VPS running 16GB memory. The only things running on it are Nginx, PHP, Mysql, docker, and a few other things. Very rarely I ever hit over 6GB usage.
The issue comes when I enable Elastic Search. It seems to wipe me out at 15.7GB usage out of 16GB as soon as I start it up.
I searched online and found out about the /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/jvm.options
and adding
The question is, what should this amount be. I read that by default, Elastic uses 50%, however, when I started it up, it was wiping me out of memory and making the system almost have a stroke.
But setting it to 2GB seems to make it not as responsive on the Gitea website, sometimes even timing the website out.
So I’m not sure what “range” I should be using here. Or if I’m going to have to upgrade my VPS to 32GB in order to run this properly.
Just in case youre curious, here is my complete Gitea stack using MariaDB as db and issue indexer, and Redis for cache, queue and sessions.
Disclaimer: I am neither a Gitea or MariaDB or Redis expert, i know nothing about anything…
version: "3.3" networks: gitea: name: gitea traefikproxy: external: true services: gitea: container_name: gitea image: gitea/gitea:1.20.5-rootless restart: unless-stopped labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.docker.network=traefikproxy - traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule=Host(`gitea.local.example.com`) - traefik.http.services.gitea.loadbalancer.server.port=3000 networks: - gitea - traefikproxy # ports: # - 7744:3000 # webui # - 2200:22 # ssh (needs more configuration) depends_on: gitea-mariadb: condition: service_healthy gitea-redis: condition: service_healthy environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - USER_UID=1000 - USER_GID=1000 - USER=username ### basic settings - "GITEA__default__APP_NAME=Gitea" - "GITEA__time__DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION=Europe/Berlin" - "GITEA__ui__DEFAULT_THEME=arc-green" - "GITEA__server__HTTP_PORT=3000" - "GITEA__server__OFFLINE_MODE=true" - "GITEA__server__ROOT_URL=https://gitea.local.example.com" #- "GITEA__server__LOCAL_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000/" #- "GITEA__server__DOMAIN=" ### database settings - GITEA__database__DB_TYPE=mysql - GITEA__database__HOST=gitea-mariadb:3306 - GITEA__database__NAME=gitea - GITEA__database__USER=gitea - GITEA__database__PASSWD=gitea ### use db as indexer - GITEA__indexer__ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE=db ### redis for cache, session and queue - GITEA__cache__ENABLED=true - GITEA__cache__ADAPTER=redis - GITEA__cache__HOST=redis://gitea-redis:6379/0 - GITEA__session__PROVIDER=redis - GITEA__session__PROVIDER_CONFIG=redis://gitea-redis:6379/1 - GITEA__queue__TYPE=redis - GITEA__queue__CONN_STR=redis://gitea-redis:6379/2 ### mail settings - "GITEA__mailer__ENABLED=true" - "GITEA__mailer__PROTOCOL=smtp+starttls" - "GITEA__mailer__SUBJECT_PREFIX=Gitea: " - "GITEA__mailer__FROM=example@gmail.com" - "GITEA__mailer__USER=example@gmail.com" - "GITEA__mailer__PASSWD=CHANGEME" - "GITEA__mailer__SMTP_ADDR=smtp.gmail.com" - "GITEA__mailer__SMTP_PORT=587" ### secret key and token ### generate once with: # docker run -it --rm gitea/gitea:1.20.5-rootless gitea generate secret SECRET_KEY # docker run -it --rm gitea/gitea:1.20.5-rootless gitea generate secret INTERNAL_TOKEN - "GITEA__security__SECRET_KEY=CHANGEME" - "GITEA__security__INTERNAL_TOKEN=CHANGEME" volumes: - ./data:/var/lib/gitea - ./config:/etc/gitea - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro healthcheck: test: "wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider --no-check-certificate http://localhost:3000/api/healthz || exit 1" start_period: 60s # mem_limit: 250m # memswap_limit: 250m # mem_reservation: 125m # cpu_shares: 1024 # cpus: 1.0 gitea-mariadb: container_name: gitea-mariadb image: mariadb:11.1.2 restart: unless-stopped networks: - gitea # ports: # - 3306:3306 environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=gitea - MYSQL_USER=gitea - MYSQL_PASSWORD=gitea - MYSQL_DATABASE=gitea volumes: - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - ./mariadb:/var/lib/mysql command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "mariadb-admin --user=$${MYSQL_USER} --password=$${MYSQL_PASSWORD} --host=localhost ping"] start_period: 60s # mem_limit: 400m # memswap_limit: 400m # mem_reservation: 200m # cpus: 0.5 gitea-redis: container_name: gitea-redis image: redis:7.2.2-alpine restart: unless-stopped networks: - gitea # ports: # - 6379:6379 volumes: - ./redis:/data ### run on Docker host and reboot: ### echo "vm.overcommit_memory = 1" | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/nextcloud-aio-memory-overcommit.conf command: redis-server --save 30 1 --loglevel warning healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] # mem_limit: 150m # memswap_limit: 150m # mem_reservation: 25m # cpus: 0.5
Oh damn, thanks. I’ll throw this in Obsidian.
Reverse proxy is exactly why I don’t have more things setup in docker. I haven’t quite figured out how it, nginx, and the app work together yet.
I had to setup caddy when I installed vaultwarden, and while that was easy because I had a very good guide to assist me, I would have been completely and totally lost if I had to setup caddy2 on my own.
So I definitely need to sit down one day and just do a full day’s read on reverse proxy, how it works with Docker and its function, and what I can do with it. Because the vaultwarden setup made it no easier to understand.
I wanted to actually move nginx and mysql over to docker, but reverse proxy is also the reason that’s holding me back.
If you already have Caddy running on that same Docker host then its very simple to add another proxy target to that through the Caddyfile.
I have been using Traefik for years and i am mostly happy with it but recently spend a day on trying out Caddy together with Authelia for authentication. Here is what came out of it as a very basic example to use them together. Its using a custom Docker image for Caddy that contains a few extra modules but it can easily be replaced with the basic official one, depending on what modules you need (for example, Lets Encrypt with dns01-challenge requires modules for DNS providers). My example uses www.desec.io for that but Cloudflare, DuckDNS etc. are possible too.
version: "3.3" networks: caddy: external: true services: caddy: container_name: caddy image: l33tlamer/caddy-desec:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: - caddy ports: - - - environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - DESEC_TOKEN=CHANGEME volumes: - ./required/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile - ./config:/config - ./data:/data authelia: container_name: authelia image: authelia/authelia:latest restart: unless-stopped networks: - caddy ports: - 9091:9091 environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin volumes: - ./required/configuration.yml:/config/configuration.yml:ro - ./required/users_database.yml:/config/users_database.yml:ro - ./required/db.sqlite3:/config/db.sqlite3 ### use pre-defined external Docker network: docker network create caddy ### db.sqlite3 needs to exist before first container start, can be created with: touch ./required/db.sqlite3 ### Caddy config can be quickly reloaded with: docker exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload ### changes to Authelia files require its container to be restarted
{ debug http_port 80 https_port 443 email mail@example.com # acme_ca https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory acme_ca https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory } *.example.com { tls { dns desec { token {env.DESEC_TOKEN} } propagation_timeout -1 } @authelia host auth.example.com handle @authelia { forward_auth authelia:9091 { uri /api/verify?rd=https://auth.example.com copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Name Remote-Email } reverse_proxy authelia:9091 } ### example of a basic site entry @matomo host matomo.example.com handle @matomo { forward_auth authelia:9091 { uri /api/verify?rd=https://auth.example.com copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Name Remote-Email } reverse_proxy matomo:8080 } ### example of a site entry when target is HTTPS @proxmox host proxmox.example.com handle @proxmox { forward_auth authelia:9091 { uri /api/verify?rd=https://auth.example.com copy_headers Remote-User Remote-Groups Remote-Name Remote-Email } reverse_proxy { transport http { tls_insecure_skip_verify } } } ### Fallback for otherwise unhandled domains handle { abort } }
# yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation --- theme: grey # generate with: openssl rand -hex 32 jwt_secret: CHANGEME default_redirection_url: https://www.google.com/ default_2fa_method: "" server: host: port: 9091 path: "" # asset_path: /config/assets/ enable_pprof: false enable_expvars: false disable_healthcheck: false tls: key: "" certificate: "" client_certificates: [] headers: csp_template: "" log: level: debug telemetry: metrics: enabled: false address: tcp:// totp: disable: false issuer: Authelia algorithm: sha1 digits: 6 period: 30 skew: 1 secret_size: 32 webauthn: disable: false timeout: 60s display_name: Authelia attestation_conveyance_preference: indirect user_verification: preferred ntp: address: "time.cloudflare.com:123" version: 4 max_desync: 3s disable_startup_check: false disable_failure: false authentication_backend: password_reset: disable: false custom_url: "" refresh_interval: 1m file: path: /config/users_database.yml password: algorithm: argon2id iterations: 1 key_length: 32 salt_length: 16 memory: 1024 parallelism: 8 password_policy: standard: enabled: false min_length: 8 max_length: 0 require_uppercase: true require_lowercase: true require_number: true require_special: true zxcvbn: enabled: false min_score: 3 access_control: default_policy: deny rules: # authelia itself gets bypass - domain: - "auth.example.com" policy: bypass # list all your protected subdomains like this - domain: "matomo.example.com" policy: one_factor - domain: "proxmox.example.com" policy: one_factor session: name: authelia_session domain: example.com same_site: lax # generate with: openssl rand -hex 32 secret: CHANGEME expiration: 3h inactivity: 15m remember_me_duration: 1M regulation: max_retries: 3 find_time: 2m ban_time: 12h storage: local: path: /config/db.sqlite3 # generate with: openssl rand -hex 32 encryption_key: CHANGEME notifier: disable_startup_check: false filesystem: filename: /config/notification.txt
users: admin: displayname: "Admin" # generate encoded password with for example https://argon2.online/ # settings: argon2id, random salt, parallelism=8, memorycost=1024, iterations=1, hashlength=32 # this example password = admin password: "$argon2id$v=19$m=1024,t=1,p=8$WnZGOU03d1lnMFRuYzZVQw$V+pcZ9KqXmsSZGuhzrv75ZPy5VQi9rfrWZnFKlJxTcI" email: email@example.com groups: - admins