In the comments under the patch notes I’m seeing a lot of mixed feelings.

While I also have some strong feelings about the matter I want to see was the general consensus is about them,

  • Fish-OWB
    11 months ago

    We saw a lot of players at varying skill levels struggling to land shots with her Alt Fire, so we are making the projectile width wider.

    Sojourn is all about mobility, and we wanted her to move around the maps more freely. We think this will help increase her effectiveness and make her even more fun to play.

    This sojourn was 0.05 -> 0.1 from unanimously consodered to be underperforming to becoming her most broken state.

    Illari projectile size is going the exact opposite direction: from 0.1 to 0.05. I strongly believe that illari is going to be bad. The realization of what a measley 75 dps actually feels like is gonna hit.