New to all this, just got a few services I’m running on a raspberry pi to get started, but I’d already like to start using an address like pihole.home.lan to access a service instead of memorizing the ip and port. Since everything is on the pi the services are have individual ports, which I think complicates things. Trying to do everything in docker too, mostly because it seems to make it easier to remove something if it gets botched.
I’ve done a little googling to figure this out, seems like the solution is a combination of pihole to catch requests then send them to nginx to route them to individual ports. I found a guide which looks like it should do exactly this https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/blob/master/examples/docker-compose-nginx-proxy.yml but it the services aren’t connecting to each other right.
If anyone has another guide to accomplish something similar or could answer some questions I’d appreciate it!