• Ok-Stuff-8803B
    11 months ago

    Considering they do not have a real back catalogue of content to offer up or are paying licenses to have other content. $9.99 US I take it? (Which will be more in other countries like AU when/if it happens) will make it not worth it.

    That is the key factor.

    But they are doing it because everyone else is doing it. 1 - 2 hike prices people complain, drop, makes the news but after that dust settles the other similar services see the market and rivals and follow the course.

    The other thing to understand now with the streaming services:

    - Where their model is movie/show licensing - They do that, get what they can, pay so that passes over to customers
    - Producing own shows
    - Producing own movies

    The next steps are:

    - Online / streaming games:
    Netflix is dabbing it’s feet in this water and seeing what works and does not work with its mobile games, the interactive shows etc. I do not see this developing much for some time.

    - Sport streaming / Live streaming:

    With the old guard holding rights to sports big money is needed in developing what a streaming service needs to do to make these work and obtain those licenses.
    Apple for example is rumoured to have talks with F1 and obtaining that. F1 itself was looking to do it’s own but they may have found it too much. People have told Netflix this is what they should work on

    Disney is doing things like the NFL and the kids versions etc.

    Amazon Prime has a strange thing for live sports, Again they are clearly testing the waters.

    Plex has increasing home grown sports stuff popping into it’s service.

    Local club sports in countries like New Zealand for Rugby as an example are increasingly streaming to Youtube.